Sunday, March 7, 1998

Thе Ultіmаtе Stаtеmеnt In Fеmаlе Bеаυty

I've never found a picture that adequately depicts what I'm talking about when I say the word "beauty", which is: a perfect blend of sexuality and morality.

In a picture of the kind I have in mind, the woman is sexy as hell, yet achieves your admiration and your respect.

Above is an example of the kind of beauty I mean. It's very hard to find good examples, so I've had to create them. The model must be beautiful - and nude (to maximize her beauty and sexuality) - and the image must either illicit from us a powerful moral agreement or else embody a tasteful reverence (or both) - to maximize morality.

This picture looks like something from the Spоrts Illυstrаtеd swimsuit issue. Except of course that the girl is completely nude. It's also like Playboy, except with an exceptionally high class of model, a non-sexual setting and pose, and a less campy kind of artfulness. Actually, it's more like Playboy and Spоrts Illυstrаtеd combined - big, bold, vivacious women, posing totally and confidently nude, pictured in perfectly stunning surroundings with exceptional skill in an adoring, artful, natural style.

It's weird, but in a world with Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt catalogs and television commercials, bare breasts on Prіmе Tіmе television and in public, where Playboy bunnies become models and supermodels pose nude, where porn stars become actresses and actresses make pornographic videos - indeed, in a culture so absolutely saturated with images of beautiful women - pictures which blend maximum sex appeal with the best morality, creating the epitome of female beauty, are the only ones that don't exist.

My goal is to create them, and to inspire others to try.

Funny, that in a society where beauty is supposedly everything and everyone is supposedly infatuated with beauty, the ultimate statement in female beauty has yet to be made.

© 1998 Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com
