"Klaudia, thanks a lot for your marvelous beauty. A lot of nice feeling coming from soul watching you inyour natural esence. Precious."
– jeicy (Body in Mind member) Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 23:55:49
Think beautiful - bodyinmind.com beauty is good

Can YOU perceive beauty?

One of the startling predictions made by D.Bell's theory of female beauty is the existence of people who lack the capacity to perceive any beauty at all. The beauty blind. We all like to think we have great taste and can appreciate great beauty, but how do we then explain the ugliness of our cities? How do you explain so much repetition in all areas of aesthetics, from the identical front lawns of suburban homes to the endless stream of nude images we find online. Do we all share the same taste, or do we copy others precisely because we can't perceive beauty for ourselves? D.Bell says the latter. Because we lack instinct to tell us what is good or bad for us, we must choose our values for ourselves and we need a way to continue to be attracted to them even when we're tired or forgetful. This is provided by our faculty of beauty. Beauty is the representation of our values. Invariably, we find beautiful anything that possesses or reminds us of our values. Therefore, those who fail to choose their values, simply copying the actions of others, are rendered incapable of perceiving beauty. This is why there's so much ugliness in the world. There's only as much beauty as people who choose their values. More...

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