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October 31, 2004

Pro-value vs anti-value

We use the words pro-value and anti-value around here a lot. But it occurs to us that we've never actually clarified what we mean by these terms. It's now very important to do so.

There are 2 kinds of people in the world, good people and evil people. The trick, as always, is knowing which is which. And nothing short of the fate of the world - and of your own life - depends on it.

I can tell you how to do it.

Instead of trying to identify the good or the bad, which is too broad a concept to deal with (and thus useless for most purposes), you merely need to identify who supports the values of a good human life and who wants to destroy them. That's all. Those who support a good life are good people, and those who do not, are not. It's as simple as that.

For example, if you value human life (and you must or else why would your life or the fate of the world matter to you?), then it is easy to see what kinds of things make a good human life possible: health is better than sickness, happiness is better than misery, purpose is better than aimlessness, hope is better than cynicism, romance is better than murder, reason is better than insanity, thinking is better than intuition, self-esteem is better than self-loathing, beauty is better than ugliness, etc.

You get the point.

The 'better' things in life are what we call 'values'.

So all that is really necessary to tell good people from evil is to notice who supports the values that support a human life and make it worth living and who does not. For example, Body in Mind actively and purposely supports all human values, and is therefore good. Islamic terrorists, on the other hand, worship death over life, religion over reason, killing over romance, sexlessness over family, violence over beauty, etc. and are therefore evil.

When you look at good and evil this way things become alarmingly clear. It's as if you gain a higher site, or X-ray vision, or ESP, and you are able to see evil people right out in the open, often pretending to be good people, unaware that good people are quite capable of seeing them and of knowing what they are. Evil people are used to acting right out in the open, secure in their belief that no one will ever figure out the true meaning of good and evil. Most evil people think they are invisible. Some get so cocky that they masquerade as good people. That is their perverse way of getting thrills. (We'll expose one such person next week.)

On the other hand, if you don't look at things as either pro-value or anti-value, some of the most wonderful, uplifting, and noble elements of mankind go unnoticed and unappreciated. The good in people goes completely ignored and eventually becomes invisible. For example, many would say that Body in Mind is immoral because it features photos like those in today's gallery by Alеxаndеr Fеdоrоv, photos of lovely Maria happily showing off her amazingly perfect body, nude.

Most truly good people, like Maria, don't even know they are good. Most models accept the hatred hurled at them by the world, and like heroes, they continue to bring their beauty into the world, entertaining some, inspiring others, without ever expecting praise for it.

Other evil people, a few, don't know that they're evil. They sense that they are but prefer not to know about it. They may think they love female beauty for example, but they keep a stack of bondage mags under their bed. This refusal to know, this refusal to face and eliminate the contradiction in their values, this refusal to value reason and thinking over denial and dishonesty is what makes them evil in the end.

As for good people, it's a person's loyalty to objective, life-giving values, that make them good, regardless of what insults or outright brutality they endure, and in spite of the fact they may very well agree with their attackers that they are depraved. Such is the case with many nude models who sell themselves as 'bad girls.'

Today's world can be very confusing, many people spit hatred or launch military horrors against those they claim are the real evil. Others claim that political horrors are nothing compared to the moral depravity that is swallowing us all. Which side is right? Is anyone?

If you're ever unsure who is good and who is evil, who is right and who is wrong, just remember to ask yourself: who supports the values that make a good human life possible and who is attacking them?

We ask it. That's how we know beauty-haters and attackers are not just misguided or insane, but purposely evil. And this is why we condemn them with the same conviction that we praise female beauty. Conversely, this is how we know Body in Mind, and Maria, are good, and why we are trying to teach the world to see them for the good they are.

Pro-value and anti-value. That's all there is to know about good and evil.

© 2004 by Body in Mind