The 2001 Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Fаshіоn Shоw

Photo of Evа Hеrzіgоvа by Rаndy Brооkе
© 2001 Thе Lооk On-line
Used with permission.

Let the Sυn Shіnе In

By Dwаynе Bell

The recent terrorist attacks on the U.S. and the resulting war on terrorism have changed Americans and the world in ways we're only now understanding and appreciating. What would have seemed paranoid to suspect a few months ago now seems only too possible. Considering the horrible treatment of women in the countries that produce Islamic terrorists, and the death threats issued by them against any women who go out in public without covering, an attack on the 5th Annυаl Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Fаshіоn Show in Nеw Yоrk City would not have been a huge surprise, at least not to me.

But if anyone in the show had fears like this it did not stop them. Right on time, 25 of the most beautiful supermodels in the world promptly and enthusiastically paraded their marvellously naked bodies up and down the sparkling and glowing runways, smiling white light, posing and primping for every man in TV land, flirting with all the confidence and benevolence of one's own closest lover. All around them there was music. Over and over, each time more exuberantly than the last, a gospel choir sang the chorus from the theme from the musical Hair, "Let...the...sun...shine...in, let...the...sun...shine...in, the...sun...shine in..."

That was the scene under the big tent in Nеw Yоrk City. But for the first time the show could also be easily seen from a higher vantage point.

Thе Vіctоrіа's secret Fashion show is the epitome of centuries of the evolution of philosophical sophistication, civilized behaviour and political progress. It is one of our highest expressions of ultimate freedom, the freedom to be beautiful, to enjoy life, to create wealth, and to be sexual. There are millions of women around the world who will never feel the warmth of the sun - or a man's loving eyes - on their bodies because their societies do not value these things.

Yet it is at such a time that all of the major networks have shied away from televising the Mіss Wоrld contest; that Christian fundamentalist women's groups are renewing their attacks on pornography due to the fact that some recent Anthrax attacks involved mailing pornogrpahic material contaminated with Anthrax spores; that Italian tire manufacturer Pirelli, long famous and respected for its artistic nude calendars, announces it will no longer publish nudes in their calendars; that the Nеw Yоrk Post's own reporter, Adаm Bυckmаn, says of the Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Show: The arrival of such a program on one of the major networks must represent some kind of milestone, but I'm not yet sure if it's a milestone worth celebrating.; a time when the Afghаn Nоrthеrn Alliance forces take over Kabul and start stick whipping women who are not covered up - revealing their only disagreement with the retreating Taliban was over who would get to brutalize their women; now when the U.S. is no longer in a position to help Afghan women because by choosing to help the Nоrthеrn Allіаncе instead of invading Afghanistan themselves (in self-defense) they have lost any military justification for intervening; now when an awakening sense of morality in Americans is being directed more against women than in their defence due to female beauty's classical and tragically unfair association with immorality; it is now, when things are looking darkest for women around the world, that instead of a self-righteous celebration of female beauty our country and the world is tetering on the brink of an actual backlash against beauty!

I'm sorry, but the contrast could not be more extreme, the symbolism could not be more obvious, and the meaning could not be harder to miss:

Last night in Nеw Yоrk City, in spite of what the world thinks, and in the name of all the women who have been made to suffer for their beauty and sexuality, 25 Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt models took off their clothes and let the sun shine in.

© 2001 by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com

Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Shоw Phоtоs

Once again this year the best photos of the Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt event are on Thе Lооk Online website. It seems veteran photographer Rаndy Brооkе has outdone himself again this year. See them at Thе Lооk On line.

Mоdеl Sеаrch

If you're a model or photographer and you'd like to be featured on Body in Mind, send us an email at models@bodyinmind.com and include a few photos or the URL to your website (if you have one.) If you are chosen, you will have an entire page dedicated to you and a place for thumbnails to be displayed. If we really like your work you may be booked for a paid Body in Mind photoshoot. We will consider all submissions, but cannot guarantee that all will be chosen.
