Thе Wаr on Women - Part 2

By Dwаynе Bell

Petitions are useless. Winning the War on Women will take understanding every idea being used against women and teaching the world and our children better ones. It will require knowledge slightly more sophisticated than knowing how to spell your name.

Part 2 (click here for part 1)

The ideas that lead to the kind of hatred of women we are witnessing in fundamentalist Islamic states these days are like a disease that has caused a serious infection there, but they have gained a strong foothold in every country in the world - even ours.

No, I'm NOT talking about Islam, although Islam is as woman-hating as religions come. I'm talking about hatred of female beauty.

Hatred of women is hatred of beauty. Whenever and wherever women are hated, they are hated for their beauty and sexuality. Only intense hatred of female beauty can cause an entire people to cover every single one of their women from head to toe with sacks, and then beat, abuse, and kill them in the streets or, as in Afghanistan, in public 'executions' in sports stadiums — executions the Afghan foreign Minister calls "joyous entertainment".

Virulent hatred of female beauty like this will continue to spread and grow in all countries around the world unless an ideological antidote is found. That antidote has been available all along although it has been hidden inside one of the oldest mysteries of the universe known to mankind: the mystery of female beauty. In fact, nothing short of a clear and definite answer to the age-old question "What is female beauty?" can stop the tide of hatred towards women we are being slowly submerged under.

Happily, I - and only I - have that answer.

Female beauty is the representation of values. It's an aesthetic symbol of the values required for life on earth - which means the values of materialism, of health and happiness, of moral character, of benevolence, of sex, of romantic love - in short: of human values. This means that a man loves female beauty only to the extent that he loves life. Osama bin Laden's spokesman, Sυlаіmаn Abυ Ghaith, proves my point. "There are thousands of the Islamic nation's youths who are eager to die just as the Americans are eager to live," he says. Taliban official, Mоhаmmеd Hυssеіn Mostassed, agrees. "Thе Amеrіcаns are fighting so they can live and enjoy the material things in life," he says, "But we are fighting so we can die in the cause of God."

The most blatant proof of the undeniable connection between hatred of objective values and hatred of female beauty came a few weeks ago when a Palestinian suicide bomber strapped explosives to himself, entered the line to an Israeli nightclub, and blew himself up, along with 20 innocent Israeli teenagers - mostly young women. It's clear that this moron could have picked any group of Israeli's to send to their deaths, yet he chose to murder mostly attractive young women.

Fυndаmеntаlіst Islаm hates female beauty because it hates life, the earth, and everything that makes life possible and worth living - the very values female beauty so gracefully and naturally represents. It's no secret that Islamic fundamentalists hate female beauty. Their treatment of women in their various pestholes of countries is one of the worst abominations in recorded history.

On the other hand, America is famous for its unbridled enthusiasm for female beauty and its fair treatment of women. The very concept of women's rights was pioneered in the U.S. But those who applaud America's painfully slow invasion of Afghanistan and ensuing 'freeing' of women do not understand what is going on here. In fact, if they watch the news, they will see that it is not America who is invading Afghanistan but rather the thugs of the Afghаnі Nоrthеrn Alliance, men who have made it quite clear that their only real disagreement with the Taliban was over who should be the ones to brutalize women. This was made painfully clear when they started hitting women with sticks the minute they entered Kabul. Not a good sign. More disheartening still is the fact that the U.S. is no longer in a position to help Afghan women. By choosing to help the Nоrthеrn Allіаncе instead of invading Afghanistan themselves in self-defense, the U.S. can no longer claim any military justification for intervening.

We in America love female beauty because we love life and respect values. Or do we?

A 7 year old Vancouver boy points to a magazine cover in a supermarket featuring a scantily clad Pеnеlоpе Crυz and remarks to his mother, "They shouldn't be allowed to show that to little kids". (from letter to editor at Cosmopolitan magazine)

Ask yourself: Where does this little rotter get this idea? Not from Islam, that's for sure.

Here's another example. A movie shown to millions of little girls called Thе HυggаBunch Movie teaches them that wanting to be beautiful is what distinguishes evil ice queens from the rest of us, and that 'good' little girls never accept compliments on their looks.

Ask yourself: Is this meant to encourage respect for female beauty, or to destroy it? This movie is as uniquely American as they come.

It's time for everyone concerned about the well-being of women everywhere to understand that all hatred of women comes from hatred of female beauty, and that hatred of female beauty comes from a hatred of life on earth, and of all human values that make it possible and desirable, and that this hatred is not confined to borders, educational levels, or religions. It is everywhere, all the time.

If women around the world are ever to be free, they must first and foremost be free to be beautiful. In every advanced society it is respect for female beauty which paves the way for women's rights, not the other way around. And freedom for women to expose their bodies publicly is always found in societies which respect women's other freedoms as well (ancient Egypt, for example). For the same reason, then, it is the right to be beautiful which is always taken away from women before their other rights. It is the only way.

For example, the Taliban in Afghanistan, perhaps the worst violator of women's rights ever to exist on earth, forced women to cover themselves from head to toe with just a screen to breathe and see through, and then, only when this was accomplished, did thay take away the rest of their women's rights. In Irаn, another of the worst violators, women voluntarily covered up. Then, without the civilizing, value-orienting, humanizing effects of their beauty, their government took away their jobs, their access to medical care, and the rest of their rights. Now they are dying and being killed by the thousands.

It is easy to see that in these countries, female beauty will have to be accepted and admired again before women will ever be allowed to go out in public without being covered up. Beauty will have to be revered before women and girls are allowed to go to school, or to be doctors, or teachers or engineers. It is the same for any country on earth, in any time or place, even ours. Make no mistake, the efforts being made in our country to dirty our views of female beauty are meant to do the same thing they have done wherever such efforts have been successful. They are meant to do nothing less than facilitate the erosion of women's rights in our part of the world as a precursor to abusing and butchering women themselves. This is the inevitable goal of anyone who hates life and the values that make it worth living, in any country, in any age.


It is time for anyone who loves a woman or who loves women in general to fight for beauty. Fight against the political corruption that says forcing women to cover up is just a cultural difference. Fight against any religion that says female beauty is evil. Fight the current cultural trends in our countries that teaches children that female beauty is superficial, corruptive, unfair, dangerous, and deadly.

But the only way to fight evil ideas like these is with better ideas. Body in Mind has these ideas. Body in Mind is the only resource we know of dedicated to teaching the ideas which foster understanding of the true nature and goodness of female beauty. Considering the urgency with which these ideas are needed, we have compiled a short study list which features several of our pages which deal with this subject for those who are interested.

We invite everyone to read these pages at length and to discuss them with your friends and family.

Yes, Body in Mind has naked women on it. We all know what a world without naked women looks like, don't we, and what to do to get it. (Ask Bіn Laden if you need some pointers.)

Here's an idea: Instead of sending your friends a futile petition that serves only to flatter your virtue's vanity, send them a page or two from Body in Mind. Teach them the 'secret' of female beauty so they can discover the reason it is so hated. Help them see that fighting for female beauty is fighting for human values. There's a war on women raging. Be brave. Send a few salvos of your own in their defense. But this will take more than knowing how to spell your name.

Here are some links to pages that address some of the more important ideas about female beauty that will have to be learned before the world's women will be safe. Send a URL below to anyone you think might care about the hatred and institutionalized butchery of women in Islamic countries. Ultimately, it will do more good than any petition ever could.

Does female beauty cause anorexia and eating disorders? No. Cυrіng Anоrеxіа

Does female beauty, in the form of pornography, cause violence against women? No. A Fеmіnіst Ovеrvіеw of Pornography, Ending in a Dеfеnsе Thеrеоf

Does female beauty have anything to do with a woman's character? Yes. Thе Mоst Bеаυtіfυl Wоmаn in Thе Wоrld

Female beauty is women's one true power. Wоmеn's Trυе Power

Is Chrіstіаnіty better than Islam? No. Sermon on the Mount

Do advanced societies allow female toplessness or deny it? Titsincommon

Is there anything moral about female beauty? Thе Sphіnx

What is the connection between societies which butcher women, and serial killers who do it? Sunshine or Sеx Crіmеs

Can female beauty ever be defined objectively? Yes. An Objеctіvе Definition of Fеmаlе Bеаυty

What can I do politically to help women being butchered in Islamic countries? Lооkіng Evіl in the Eye

© 2001 by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com
