Body in Mind - The original babe blog

A daily blog about female beauty, tasteful nude photos and beautiful women

Only in the UK?

March 19, 2012 - Over the years we mentioned beauty schools, admired movies like Mіlk Mоnеy, and said that sex-education must be about more than mating. That young men and women should see for themselves that beauty is, in fact, beautiful and that it is moral.

We thought that few people were brave enough to stand behind beauty. To reach out to our young and not teach them about multi-culturalism or environmentalism. To teach them that our bodies are not dirty, that finding a beautiful woman beautiful is healthy. Well, it turns out we were wrong. Someone was brave enough to do it, and not to our surprise, this happened in the UK:

It is a show called sexperience, and they actually go to actual schools, talk to teenagers, but they do not stop there. They show them male and female bodies. Tell them there is no reason to be worried or ashamed.

Around the end of the video, they talk to a girl who is overly embarassed. They ask her why she is so embarassed and she says that it is because what she is seeing is DISGUSTING. If she did not mean it, then that's the sort of hypocrisy that the -isms of today foster. If she did, then she has actually embraced an -ism of those. Do I think that she will be successful? Do I think that she will grow up to be a beautiful woman? I doubt it. In fact, I think she may grow up to be a feminist, or an anorexic, or both.

Being ashamed of your beauty is a grave sin, being ashamed of others' beauty is the first major step towards becoming a beauty-hater.

Why do we raise our children to be beauty-haters?


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